Public Health Wales statement on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

This statement will be updated daily at 2pm

Statement: Saturday 31 October 2020

Dr Chris Williams, Incident Director for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak response at Public Health Wales, said:

“With Halloween taking place today, we understand that people will still want to celebrate so Public Health Wales has published guidance on joining in the Halloween spirit safely, while staying at home to protect those we care about. Under the current firebreak restrictions, physically gathering for Halloween parties in either your home or other venues is not allowed. Leaving your home for anything other than for an essential reason is also prohibited and so taking part in traditional trick or treat activities breaches current guidelines.

“We urge the public to stick to the new rules, which are vital to help us regain control of the virus, to protect the NHS, and save lives.

“Although national and local measures have made a difference, further action is needed.  Cases continue to rise in Wales, hospital admissions are increasing, including those into critical care, and sadly so are the numbers of people dying from the virus. 

“Under the rules, people must stay at home, except for very limited purposes.  They must not visit other households or meet other people they do not live with. 

“Certain businesses and venues, including bars, restaurants and most shops must close.

“Secondary schools will provide learning online only for the week after half-term, other than for children in years seven and eight. Primary schools and childcare settings will remain open.

“Face coverings continue to be mandatory in the indoor public spaces that remain open, subject to certain exemptions and exceptions, including on public transport and in taxis.

“More information about the new rules is available at the Welsh Government website.

“During the firebreak it is still important to look after your health, and you can you continue to attend appointments and seek help for urgent medical issues.

“Attending a booked NHS flu vaccination appointment and any of Public Health Wales’ screening clinics is a legitimate reason to travel during the firebreak.

“NHS Wales is still here to help you if you need care, and it’s important you continue to attend appointments and seek help for urgent medical issues. You can leave your home to access local health services, including your GP surgery, dentist, optometrist or other health service.

“You should phone beforehand and follow any guidance your local surgery, dentist, optometrist or health service has put in place to protect you and staff, including the need to keep 2m away from other patients.

“It’s especially important to look after our mental health and wellbeing at this time.  You can find sources of advice and guidance on our website if you need some help or are worried about a loved one. 

“If you or a member of your household develop symptoms of the Coronavirus, such as a cough, fever or change in sense of taste or smell, you must self-isolate immediately and book a free Coronavirus test at or by calling 119.

“Helpful advice and support is available via the NHS COVID-19 app.  As well as providing alerts if you have been in contact with someone with Coronavirus, the app will also tell you the current risk level in your area.

“Information about the symptoms of Coronavirus is available on the Public Health Wales website, or via the NHS 111 Wales symptom checker.

“For those travelling from overseas, as of 4am on Sunday 25 October, the Canary Islands, Denmark, the Maldives and the Greek Island of Mykonos have been added to the Welsh Government’s list of countries from where you may travel to Wales without the need to self isolate. The Welsh Government has announced that from 0400 on 1/11/2020, Cyprus and Lithuania will be removed from this list, so returning travellers will need to isolate on arrival in Wales.”


Datganiad: Dydd Sadwrn 31 Hydref 2020

Dywedodd Dr Chris Williams, Cyfarwyddwr Digwyddiadau ar gyfer yr ymateb i'r achosion o'r Coronafeirws Newydd (COVID-19) yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru:  

“Gyda Chalan Gaeaf yn digwydd heddiw, rydym yn deall y bydd pobl eisiau dathlu o hyd felly mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau ar fynd i hwyl yr ŵyl yn ddiogel, gan aros gartref i ddiogelu ein hanwyliaid. O dan gyfyngiadau presennol y cyfnod atal byr, ni chaniateir dod at eich gilydd yn gorfforol ar gyfer partïon Calan Gaeaf naill ai yn eich cartref neu mewn lleoliadau eraill. Hefyd mae gadael eich cartref ar gyfer unrhyw beth ar wahân i reswm hanfodol wedi’i wahardd ac felly mae cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau tric neu wobr traddodiadol yn mynd yn groes i’r canllawiau presennol.


“Rydym yn annog y cyhoedd i gadw at y rheolau newydd, sy'n hanfodol i'n helpu ni i adennill rheolaeth ar y feirws, i ddiogelu’r GIG, ac i achub bywydau.


“Er bod mesurau cenedlaethol a lleol wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth, mae angen gweithredu ymhellach nawr.  Mae achosion yn parhau i gynyddu yng Nghymru, mae derbyniadau i’r ysbyty yn cynyddu, gan gynnwys i ofal critigol, ac, yn anffodus, felly hefyd mae nifer y bobl sy’n marw o’r feirws.  


“O dan y rheolau, rhaid i bobl aros gartref, ac eithrio at ddibenion cyfyngedig iawn.  Rhaid iddynt beidio ag ymweld ag aelwydydd eraill na chwrdd â phobl eraill nad ydyn nhw'n byw gyda nhw.  


“Rhaid i rai busnesau a lleoliadau, gan gynnwys bariau, bwytai a’r mwyafrif o siopau gau.

“Bydd ysgolion uwchradd yn dysgu ar-lein yn unig dros yr wythnos ar ôl hanner tymor, heblaw am blant ym mlynyddoedd saith ac wyth. Bydd ysgolion cynradd a lleoliadau gofal plant yn aros ar agor.

“Mae gorchuddion wyneb yn parhau i fod yn orfodol yn y lleoedd cyhoeddus dan do sy'n dal i fod ar agor, ar wahân i rai eithriadau, gan gynnwys ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ac mewn tacsis.

“Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y rheolau newydd ar gael ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru.

“Mae hi’n dal yn bwysig gofalu am eich iechyd yn ystod y cyfnod atal byr, a gallwch barhau i fynychu apwyntiadau a cheisio cymorth ar gyfer materion meddygol brys. 

“Mae mynychu apwyntiad wedi’i archebu i gael brechiad ffliw y GIG a mynychu unrhyw un o glinigau sgrinio Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn rheswm dilys i deithio yn ystod y cyfnod atal byr.

“Mae GIG Cymru yma o hyd i'ch helpu os oes angen gofal arnoch, ac mae'n bwysig i chi barhau i fynychu apwyntiadau a cheisio cymorth ar gyfer materion meddygol brys. Gallwch adael eich cartref i gael mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd lleol, gan gynnwys eich practis meddyg teulu, deintydd, optometrydd neu wasanaeth iechyd arall.

“Dylech ffonio ymlaen llaw a dilyn unrhyw ganllawiau mae eich practis meddyg teulu lleol, deintydd, optometrydd neu wasanaeth iechyd wedi'i roi ar waith i'ch diogelu chi a staff, gan gynnwys yr angen i gadw 2m i ffwrdd oddi wrth gleifion eraill.

“Mae'n arbennig o bwysig gofalu am ein hiechyd meddwl a'n llesiant yn ystod yr adeg hon.  Os oes angen rhywfaint o help arnoch, neu os ydych chi'n poeni am anwyliaid, gallwch ddod o hyd i ffynonellau cyngor ac arweiniad ar ein gwefan 

“Os byddwch chi neu aelod o'ch aelwyd yn datblygu symptomau Coronafeirws, fel peswch, twymyn neu newid i synnwyr blasu neu arogli, rhaid i chi hunanynysu ar unwaith ac archebu prawf Coronafeirws am ddim yn -coronavirus-test neu drwy ffonio 119.

“Mae cyngor a chymorth defnyddiol ar gael trwy ap COVID-19 y GIG.  Yn ogystal â darparu rhybuddion os ydych wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â rhywun â Coronafeirws, bydd yr ap hefyd yn dweud wrthych beth yw lefel gyfredol y risg yn eich ardal.

“Mae gwybodaeth am symptomau Coronafeirws ar gael ar wefan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, neu drwy wiriwr symptomau GIG 111 Cymru.

“Ar gyfer y rhai sy’n teithio o dramor, o 4am ddydd Sul 25 Hydref, ychwanegwyd Yr Ynysoedd Dedwydd, Denmarc, y Maldives ac Ynys Gwlad Groeg Mykonos at restr Llywodraeth Cymru o’r gwledydd y gallwch deithio i Gymru ohonynt heb fod angen hunanynysu. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi y bydd Cyprus a Lithwania, o 0400 ar 1/11/2020, yn cael eu tynnu oddi ar y rhestr hon ac felly bydd rhaid i deithwyr sy’n dychwelyd oddi yno hunanynysu wrth gyrraedd i Gymru.”